How To Have A Habit

How To Have A Habit


Todd Stolp MD, Robin Voss and Neil Shuman MD

Here is book to jump-start conversations about cigarettes, vaping and more with 7 to 12 year-olds! Cabot heads out to go fishing, but calamity strikes when he loses his fishing pole and, bored out of his wits and devoid of discretion, he begins to pick up one crazy habit after another from the other creatures in the woods, even smoking cigarettes. After a frog unsuccessfully explains the risks of smoking, Cabot gets a glimpse of himself in a lake after all the crazy habits have taken their toll and sees something that re-boots his thinking.  See how Cabot gets out of the fix he finds himself in!

In addition to learning about the risks of tobacco, this book gives pre-teens a glimpse of what can happen when discretion is tossed to the wind. It prepares young people for the onslaught of advertising and peer pressure that promotes everything from tattoos to cigarettes and vaping!

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In 2002, pilot research was conducted in partnership with RTI International, an independent nonprofit research institute in North Carolina, using How To Have a Habit in a school curriculum to raise awareness of the dangers of second hand tobacco smoke. With the participation of approximately 750 fourth and fifth grade students in northern Georgia, followup surveys indicated that 71% of the children discussed indoor tobacco smoke information with their parents. Following participation, 28% of the students indicated that their home changed to smoke free and 32% said that someone had stopped smoking in the car. For a look at the structure of the How To Have a Habit curriculum, click on STS Studios curriculum.

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Additional information

Weight .4 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 8.5 × .2 in